Wednesday 5 November 2014

China Bids for Leadership in Emerging 3D Printing Technology

The revolution of 3D printing is one of huge proportions; production possibilities are flexible and cater to both the horizontal and vertical markets. Because of the growing demand in 3D printers and technology, training and careers are opening up – from computer engineering to artistic design of the products. As China bids for leadership in emerging 3D printing tech, the market is only going to increase in value.

What is 3D printing? 

It stands for three-dimensional printing and is a dedication of both computer engineering and programming. Scaled and drawn models of products, like car parts or even human organs, are designed in three-dimensional terms to scale to their needs. These models are then built and fashioned on a computer program and converted to a sort of information readable by the 3D printer. This information is placed in a format and connected to the printer, where it will then be recreated using successive layering strategies, forming a physical, three-dimensional model of the product from a type of printable plastic. This plastic can be manipulated before production to look, feel, or work like another material.

Anything from car parts, jewelry, organs, and even shoes have been crafted using this technology. Because of the large capabilities involved with using a 3D printer, places with a sense of entrepreneurship have called to action the utility of this technology.

What does this mean for careers and training?

Because you can make virtually anything with 3D printing technology, the market for production and sales will increase dramatically. Many products today are created piece-by-piece for further building and bigger services. However, the utility with 3D printing technology allows less human interaction, and more machines producing – this translates to faster production of materials and and a growing demand for computer engineers, programmers, and other experts in the field.

Not only will the demand for computer engineers and programmers increase, but the car manufacturing designers and experts will need more employees to craft the perfect parts for production. Scientists, doctors, and even artists are on the verge of high-speed technology.

What are your options?

There are many career and training options available for anyone interested in 3D printing technology. 3D designers, 3D computer-aided modeling pros, research and development connoisseurs, and biological and scientific modeling experts will all be required in this growing industry. Anything from architecture and construction to education and law will be necessary for 3D printing technology; architects can use the technology to study the utility of plastics to make more pliable and productive materials for construction. Lawyers can study and adapt to the artistic integrity of 3D printing, as there are many possible copyright issues that can trail with creating art through this means.

There are several business options available for 3D printing technology. The growing market for 3D printing in China continues to rise, and now, it's your chance to build upon the entrepreneurial advantages of this high-demanding path of the fuuture.

For more: Careers in 3d printing

to know more about , careers in 3d printing find on click here

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